Sunday, March 17, 2013

Pentingnya Bahasa Inggris

Hai guys kali ini gw mau ngomongin tentang pentingnya bahasa inggris. Pernah ga sih di benak kalian muncul pertanyaan :

“ kenapa sih bahasa inggris jadi penting banget di saat ini??” 

“kenapa musti bahasa inggris!kenapa ga bahasa Indonesia aja?!”

Well gw juga pernah ngalamin hal ini kok  dan sekarang gw sadar klo ternyata bahasa inggris tuh emang penting. Walaupun gww juga bahasa inggrisnya masih belibet.
Tapi coba deh liat beberapa point – point yang menurut gw ini lah yang membuat bahasa inggris itu penting!

1.       Factor ekonomi
Kenapa gw bilang factor ekonomi, karena eh karena. Coba aja kalian liat sekarang mata uang USD klo di IDR kira berapa hayoo. Yup!kurang lebih sama dengan Rp 9.000,00. Bayangin gimana klo kita kerja di amerika yang rata-rata penghasilan rumah tangga warga AS sebelum kena pajak adalah $49.445 per tahun (Rp 445.005.000,00); rata-rata penghasilan rumah tangga Asia-Amerika adalah $65.469 (Rp 589.221.000,00), sedangkan rata-rata penghasilan rumah tangga Afrika-Amerika adalah $32.584 (Rp 293.256.000,00). Bisa jadi jutawan mendadak tuh. Nah fasih  berbahasa inggris merupakan syarat penting dan wajib untuk kerja di luar negri. Masa iya kita kerja disana tapi ngomongnya bake bahasa Indonesia atu bahasa jawa. Kan ga mungkin juga.
Karena di tuntut gaji yang menggiurkan dan kehidupan yang lebih baik itu lah. Sekarang jadi banyak orang tua yang ingin anaknya bisa bahsa inggris. Tujuannya sih simple, pengen anaknya bisa sukses dan punya kehidupan yang layak di sana.

2.       Factor gaya hidup
Nah klo ini tercetus dari kakak gw. Dulu dia sama kayak gw yang ga suka bahasa inggris tapi sekarang entah kenapa dia pinter banget bahasa inggrisnya (-__- “). Pas gw tanya kenapa, katanya gara – gara menurut dia orang yang bisa bahasa inggris itu keren.
Dia selalu ngeliat orang yang fasih alias lancar banget ngomong bahasa inggris tu biasanya cakep, cantik, pinter, bijak, dan tajir. Coba aja liat miss Indonesia, temen – temen di kelas kalian yang bisa bahasa inggris, atau liat aja di tv klo ada orang yang bisa dapetin pacar bule. Keliatan jelas kerennya kan tuh. Bikin kita jd ngiri (hahaha #curhat)

Kalo gw bilang sih mungkin ini factor music yang berbahasa inggris yang masuk ke Indonesia lebih banyak di terima di banding music berbahasakan Indonesia itu sendiri. Jadi banyak orang yang lebih nganggep bahasa inggris itu keren.

3.       Factor impian untuk keluar negeri
Kalian pernah ga punya impan untuk bisa ke paris ngeliat Eiffel, ke New York pengen ngerasain ada di tempat yang di pake buat syuting film favorit kalian, atau ke LA datengin Hollywood yang banyak artis terkenalnya atau pun kuliah keluar negeri buat ngerasain sensasi hidup yang berbeda dari indonesia ? well klo kalian pengen semua itu ada kok caranya buat kesana. Dan syaratnya yang pasti bisa bahasa inggris. Karena kalian bakal tinggal di negeri lain yang memiliki bahasa yang berbeda dari nereg asal kalian.

4.       Factor dari beberapa penalitian
Ga tau bener atau salah tapi dari searching – searching di mbah google gw dapet artikel yang bilang klo “Menurut para ahli, dengan belajar bahasa asing, itu bisa membantu meningkatkan kemampuan kita untuk mengingat, membaca, menulis, berbicara, serta mendengar.”

Nah itu lah yang menurut gw kenapa bahasa inggris itu penting. Dan menurut gw, seharusnya anak itu di ajarin bukan hanya di sekolah aja. Pas masih bayi kita ajak ngomong pake bahasa inggris aja, sekarang ada kok metode – metodenya. Dan semua ini sih sebenernya harus dari kesadaran anak itu sendiri. Sekalipun anak itu udah di jejelin bahasa inggris tiap hari tapi di dianya ga punya kesadaran dan niat nantinya bakalan percuma.
Buat kamu – kamu nih yang lg bête dan kesel sama susahnya belajar bahasa, tetep semangat belajar bahasa inggris guys. Karena efeknya nanti buat kita banyak loh! ^w^

Sumber :

Phrase, Clause and Sentences

A group of words which are often used together and have a particular meaning.
There are many different kinds of phrases
  1. Prepositional Phrases
Propositional phrases or prepositional phrase is a phrase consisting of a preposition and a prepositional object (object of the preposition). Preposition in a prepositional object can be a noun phrase, pronoun, or noun phrases.
Examples :
----         I will not obey the voices in my head."
(Bart Simpson, The Simpsons, 2000)
----         "Above the trees and rooftops the dingy glare of the London sky faded upwards into weak violet heights."
(Alan Hollinghurst, The Line of Beauty. Picador, 2004)
----         On the counter near the stove in a silvery pan was a deep-dish pancake.
  1. Verb Phrases
Verb phrases or verb phrase is a phrase made ​​up of the main verb plus auxiliaries, adverbs, adverb phrases (or clauses), propositional phrases, or object. In this sentence, the verb phrase serves as a predicate.
----           Ted might drink the milk shake.
----         You must watch this right now.
----         You can’t sing like that!
  1. Gerund Phrases
+   Gerunds are words that are formed from verbs but act as nouns.
You can spot them because they will be a verb + ing acting as a noun.
watching is fun.
The word watch is a verb. Watching is a verb with an -ing ending acting as a noun. It is the subject of this sentence.

+ Phrases = These consist of a gerund and the words that modify and complement it.

            Watching film Titanic is fun.
  1. Participial Phrases
A word group consisting of a present participle (also known as an -ing form) or past participle (also known as an -en form), plus any modifiers, objects, and complements.
Examples :
----       Here and there through the smoke, creeping warily under the shadows of tottering walls, emerged occasional men and women
  1. Infinitive Phrases
Infinitive phrases is a phrase consisting of the infinitive and object (modifiers) and has a role as a noun (noun), adjectives (adjective), or adverb (adverb) in a sentence.
----         To write this book must be careful !
  1. Appositive Phrases
Appositive phrases (phrases apposition) is a phrase consisting of a noun or pronoun with its modifier works to add information and describe the word or phrase before. Phrases are always located close apposition to the noun or pronoun He explained. Type the phrase, generally also act as apposition in a sentence.

A group of words containing a subject and a verb that is usually only part of a sentence
                  The men sleep.
(men (Subject) + sleep (Verb) à S + V = Clause)

A group of words, usually containing a verb, that expresses a complete idea.


----         She ran like a race horse across the finish line.

----         He looked as tired as a marathon runner after a race.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Part of speech

Part of speech is word group which has own function and it will be included in a sentence. It’s an essential component that must be learned for anyone who wants adept in English.
Part of speech have 8 parts :

 Adjectives (kata sifat)
Adjectives describe a noun or pronoun. They usually appear immediately before the word they describe.
The adjective questions "Which one?", "What kind?", and "How many?". Knowing these questions will help you know for sure whether any word is acting as an adjective. there are a few questions that you should memorize.
"Which one?”   : first page (first describe, the noun is page), that book (that describe, the noun is book), pink shoes (pink describe, the noun is shoes)
"What kind?"    : good boy (good describe, the noun is boy)
“How many?”   : I have seventeen box apple (seventeen describe, the noun is apple)

Adjectives are subdivided into
     1.      Quality Adjectives (sad, difficult, shy, clever, good, old, etc.)
                adjective that indicates the quality of an object
           Example :
                          I have one difficult task.
     2.      Possessive Adjectives (my, your, our, their, his, her, its.)
                 adjectives that claimed ownership of an object
           Example :
                          I like your dress
     3.      Demonstrative Adjectives (this, these, that, those.)
                  Demonstrative adjective is an adjective that describes the presence of an object
           Example :
                Demonstrative adjectives     : in this time I want to change my bad habits. (this describes, 
                                                             the object is time)
                No Demonstrative adjectives : this is my favorite shoes {this is not   describes, 
                                                              but this is word that takes the place of a noun 
                                                              (demonstrative pronouns)}
      4.     Interrogative Adjectives
            Example :
                          Interrogative Adjectives   : what station tv are you watching?
                          No Interrogative Adjectives : what are you doing here?
      5.     Quantity Adjectives
            Example :
                         There aren’t enough chairs for everyone.
      6.     Numeral Adjectives
            Example :
                          I have two books
      7.     Proper Adjectives
         Proper adjectives start with capital letters just like proper nouns. In fact, 
         proper adjectives are made from proper nouns.
           Example :
                          Nicholas Anelka is French
      8.     Distributive Adjectives
           {each (tiap-tiap, setiap, masing-masing), every (tiap-tiap, setiap),   
          either (antara,  salah satu), dan neither (tidak diantara, tidak kedua-duanya)}
            Example :
                          1.     Either my mother or my friends sweep the floor every day.
                          2.     Rina is neither smart nor stupid 
 Adverbs (kata keterangan)
Adverbs are describing words. Let's look at some examples of them describing verbs, adjectives, and adverbs.
Example :
1.     We will eat there. (There is an adverb describing the verb will eat)
2.     Your face is extremely red. (Extremely is an adverb describing the adjective red.)
3.     The baby crawled very slowly. (Very is an adverb describing the adverb slowly)

Verbs (kata kerja)
                         A verb is a word that expresses an action or a state of being.
            Example :
                        I look you at school
Nouns (kata benda)

                          Nouns are words that name people, places, things, or ideas.
         1.     Concrete Nouns : book, pen, table, chair, etc
                 Example :
                               I read magazine in terrace
          2.     Abstract Nouns : happiness, wisdom, sadness, courage, etc
                 Example :
                              We have the deferent argument
Pronouns (kata ganti)
A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun
Let's look at a few examples :
                (noun)                   Joana, Michael and you playing basket ball in this morning.
               (pronoun)             We playing basket ball in this morning. (pronouns)

These tables show a list of pronouns for the following types of pronouns:

 Prepositions (Kata Depan)
prepositions are words that show the relationship between a noun or a pronoun and some other word or element in the rest of the sentence.
Here is a preposition that is often used:

about, above, across, after, against, along, amid, around, as, at, before, behind, below, beneath, beside, between, beyond, but, by, despite, down, during, except, for, from, in, inside, into, like, near, of, off, on, onto, opposite, out, outside, over, past, since, through, toward, under, underneath, until, upon, with, within.
      Example :
                     1.      The woman at the magazine counter is buying something.
                     2.      The briefcase next to the floor belongs to the man.
                     3.      The man next to the train is the conductor.

 Conjunctions (Kata Sambung)
A conjunction is a word that joins two or more words, phrases, or clauses.
        Example :
               Two words : we can buy book and pen.
                    Phrases : go to the mall and buy bag in the shop
                    Clauses : john visited his grandpapa and he bring parcel of fruit.

       there are types of conjunctions :
              1.      Coordinating Conjunctions (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so)
                             Example :
                              Two words    : we can buy book and pen.
                               Phrases        : go to the mall and buy bag in the shop
                               Clauses        : john visited his grandpapa and he bring parcel of fruit. 

                 2.      Subordinating Conjunctions
                              Example :
                                (+)  Before she went to Jakarta, she commended her flowers to be watered.
                                (+)  We should be polite and pleasant wherever we live. 
                                (+)  Even if Bima is not qualified enough to enter the top university, he’ll 
                                        try again next year.

Interjections (Kata Seru)
An interjection is a word that shows emotion.
It is not grammatically related to the rest of the sentence.

     They can show happiness (wouhooo), sadness (awful), anger (argh!), surprise (oh my goodness), or any other emotion.
     Example :
  •   Hurray! = Hore
  •   Awful = menakutkan
  •  Bravo! = Bagus sekali!
  • Yeah! = yeah!
  • Bosh! = Omong kosong!
sumber :